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The village of Loutra
The village of Loutra

The river of "Profiti Hlia" near Loutra
The river of "Profiti Hlia" near Loutra

Τhe cave of the Cyclops
Τhe cave of the Cyclops

Observatory in Evros
Observatory in Evros
photo of the week
A calm area, ready to welcome the night
A calm area, ready to welcome the night

Selected Photos

The largest collection of electronic photos for your eyes only. Select a category from the left menu and do not hesitate to save a photo or send us one at!

Watching a "warm" sunset in the city of Alexandroupolis
Watching a "warm" sunset in the city of Alexandroupolis
The "Erythropotamos" river by looking eastwards.
The "Erythropotamos" river by looking eastwards.
The Evros river outside the village of Psathades.
The Evros river outside the village of Psathades.
Ιn the center of Sukorraxi.
Ιn the center of Sukorraxi.
Trails in the Evros Delta against the backdrop of an idyllic landscape
Trails in the Evros Delta against the backdrop of an idyllic landscape
A shocking snapshot of a thunder that touches the sea!
A shocking snapshot of a thunder that touches the sea!
Nea Xili in the backround.
Nea Xili in the backround.
In the small port below Maistro, in Alexandroupolis
In the small port below Maistro, in Alexandroupolis
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro
Amorio from a distance.
Amorio from a distance.
The lake of Tychero
The lake of Tychero