Customs & Traditions
Dodecamer (12 days) traditions
Someone guesses that these have, among others, and index importance, with the masquerades and the various names that have become with, and revive until today in the region of...
"Mpampo" Day
A characteristic custom of Thrace that is still carried out in many areas, is the ‘mpampo day’’ (Old Lady’s Day). It is a custom brought by immigrants to their...
The Bey
The ‘Bey’ or ‘Kiopek Bey’ custom takes place every February at Carnival time, just before Lent starts. Different versions of the tradition you can see in the areas Didimoticho...
On the 1st of February, we celebrate St. Trifonas, the patron saint of vineyards (in Soufli they call him Trifilos) and because it is the first day of the month...
Pies for the icon dancers of Dadia
The last big celebration of the Dodecamer is the Epiphany or ‘Kirieletisa’ and throughout Greece the smell of myrtle and basil dominates. The trolls are kept away- until the...
The celebration begins on the day before the Epiphany, when the whole village process to the near-by monastery to take the icon of the Virgin Mary. The procession continues...